Parents K-4th: Please see the attached flyer for information on our upcoming picture day. Thank you!
Merry Christmas !
Check out our SP Broncs! South Park second graders created balloons in the likeness of their favorite literary characters to hold their very own version of Macey’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Other learners lined the hallways to appreciate the hard work put in by their schoolmates.
Please see the flyer for information on the Christmas programs. Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!
South Park Elementary congratulates these classes for making the most progress on Lexia for the month of November. Lexia provides individualized literacy instruction and practice, and these learners have worked diligently to improve their skills. 4th Grade - Mrs. Hostetter's class, 3rd Grade - Mr. Wattier's class, 2nd Grade - Miss Clark's class, 1st Grade - Miss Haag's class; Congrats and keep up the hard work!
National Honor Society's Christmas gifting project: Set up at each of our schools (South Park, Middle School and High School). Grab a bell with a local wish item request from the tree, and please return your gift to the school, unwrapped, with the bell attached by December 17th!
The fundraiser products have arrived. Please see the flyer for pickup information.
Once again, the PTO will be holding a Family Picture Night! Please see the attached flyer for more information and how to RSVP.
Parents K-4th: Picture retakes are November 5th. Please see the flyer for addition information.
Attached are two flyers with information for next week. Thursday is Halloween and Friday is Pajama Day.
We DO have school on Friday and there is NO TRAK that day.
See the flyer for information on Family Night at the High School. All grade levels are welcome to attend.
Parents K-4th- Here are the dress up days for Homecoming next week.
Note to Kindergarten parents: On Thursday (Class Color Day) Kindergarteners will wear their classroom colors.
Parents K-4th- Check your kid's bags for fundraiser packets.
Friday Fun Club starts this week and is open to all students. Please see the fliers for additional information and for the Jam Van schedule.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. To help support the Ronald McDonald House, we are going to have a pop tab challenge! We will collect pop tabs through the month of September and the grade level that collects the most will win a root beer float party!
Picture Day is approaching. See the flyer for more details.
Please refer to the image for information on the upcoming Early Childhood Developmental Screening.
Parents/Guardians K-4th:
Early registration for the TRAK after school program begins tomorrow. Applications can be picked up at South Park tomorrow, August 1st from 8am-11:30 am and Monday, August 5th through Thursday, August 8th from 8am-3:30 pm. Applications must be turned in to South Park by the end of the day on the 8th. Along with the application, you will receive a calendar indicating what days TRAK is in session and a letter with other information regarding the program and contact information.
Parents of 1st Graders- Tomorrow is our Breakfast with Buddies. Please do not park on the street in front of the school when you arrive. Please use the church parking lot. See the flyer for more details. Thank you!
Next week is National PE and Sports Week. Kids are encouraged to wear workout clothing all week. Please see the attached flyer for details on the different activities that we will be having all week as well. Have a great weekend!